About Workinfo.com
- Written by Gary Watkins
- Published in About Workinfo.com
Office Phone: 010 035 4185 | Fax: 086 689 7862 | Cel: 082 416 7712
PO Box 925 Lanseria Gauteng South Africa 1748
Email: info@workinfo.com
URL: www.workinfo.co.za | www.workinfo.com | www.workinfo.co | www.workinfo.xyz | www.workinfo.us | www.workinfo.org | www.humanresources.co.za
Workinfo.com is the online legal and human resources portal of the management consultancy, Workplace Performance Technologies (Pty) Ltd.
Workinfo.com is a subscription service providing pro forma policies and procedures, employment legislation on employment equity, human resources, industrial relations and training & development. In addition to the subscription option, Workinfo.com offers various free facilities including a comprehensive database of online job descriptions and free downloads. Click here to view our comprehensive index of subscription content.
Workinfo.com represents South Africa's only dedicated and most cost effective human resources web portal.
Consulting Services
In addition to our website subscription services, we provide a broad range of specialist services including:-
1. Management Consulting Services
2. Human Resources Consulting Services
3. Industrial Relations Advice and Consulting Services
4. Wage Negotiations, Trade Union Recognition
5. Training Workshops
6. Employment Equity Consulting Services
7. Recruitment and Placement Services
8. Cost effective telephonic and email employment help lines.
Workplace Performance Technologies (Pty) Ltd is not an employer's association.
Seminars and Training Workshops
We conduct regular public and in-house seminars and training workshops on employment and management topics. Contact us today to obtain more information or a quote.
To contact us for more information or enquiries regarding our services, please visit our website at http://www.workinfo.com
Case Law CC
Workinfo.com manages the premier case law portal Case Law CC (http://www.caselaw.co.za). To learn more about Case Law CC or subscribe to this service, please visit http://www.caselaw.co.za .
Company Profile
Workinfo.com was founded in 1998 by Gary Watkins to provide HR practitioners with cost effective access to Human Resource information. Workinfo.com is the most comprehensive Human Resource website serving the South African business community. In addition to website subscriptions we offer the following services:
Strategic Human Resource Consulting Services
Training and workshops
Recruitment specialising in HR, IR and Communications and PR placements
Consulting services in HR, IR and Communications
Directors - Workinfo.com
Gary Watkins Managing Director
Michael Behrman Director
Due to our focus on Human Resources by way of our websites, workshops, and consulting arms, we possess the right knowledge and expertise to assist you with all your HR and IR placements in the following disciplines:
· Health and Safety
· Human Capital
· Human Resource Compliance & Audit
· Human Resources Generalists
· Industrial & Employee Relations
· Internal Communications
· Organisational Development
· Remuneration & Benefits Specialists
· Skills Development
· Recruitment & Talent Management
· Transformation & Employment Equity
In addition to our focus on HR and IR, we also focus on the following areas:
· Communication and Public Relations
· Financial Directors, Managers
· Accountants
· Credit Controllers, Bookkeepers
· Call Centre staff
Consultant Profiles
Gary Watkins | B.A., LLB (UND) | gary@workinfo.com |
Associate Consultants
Administrative Personnel
Vivienne Cramer | Sales and Accounts | viv@workinfo.com |
Registration Details
Workplace Performance Technologies (Pty) Ltd
Reg. No. 98 01552/07
Vat Reg. No. 4450172582
PO Box 925
Gauteng 1748
Office Phone: 010 035 4185
Direct Fax : 086 689 7862
Email: info@workinfo.com
PKF International Ltd
Roland H Heiriss
Managing Director
Mylacor Chambers,
3 Argon Street
Jan Cilliers Park
P O Box 604
Telephone number: (057) 353 2601
Fax number: (057) 353 2318
E-mail: info.wkm@pkf.co.za
Banking Details
Company Workplace Performance Technologies (Pty) Ltd t/a Workinfo
Bank Nedbank (Musgrave - Durban)
Branch Musgrave
Acc. No. 130 121 8669
Branch Code 130 126 10
Account Cheque
Workshops and Sales
Contact Rachel Botha
Manager: Workshops: Workinfo.com
Tel: +27 (0)10 035 4185 (Office)
Fax: +27 (0)86 689 7860
Cell: +27 (0)83 232 2004
Email: rachel@workinfo.com
Accounts and Administration
Vivienne Cramer Tel: 27 (0)10 035 4185 (Office) | Email: viv@workinfo.com
Corporate Details
Workplace Performance Technologies (Pty) Ltd
Registration No. 98 01552/07
VAT Registration No. 4450172582
Workinfo Recruitment (Pty) Ltd
Registration No. 2008/001710/07
VAT Registration No. 4550247359
Johannesburg Offices
Block L37 Bodley Road Laezonia Centurion
URL: http://www.workinfo.com, http://www.workinfo.co.za
Mailto: info@workinfo.com
Postal Address
Workplace Performance Technologies (Pty) Ltd
PO Box 925
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Gary Watkins
Gary Watkins
Managing Director
C: +27 (0)82 416 7712
T: +27 (0)10 035 4185 (Office)
F: +27 (0)86 689 7862
Website: www.workinfo.comRelated items
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