Namibian National Training Authority
- Written by Gary Watkins
- Published in Namibian Labour Legislation
The Namibian National Training Authority
Namibia Training Authority. The Port of Call for Vocational Skills in Namibia!
As the regulating body of the Vocational Education and Training sector in Namibia, the Namibia Training Authority is entrusted with the effective regulation and funding of the provision of Vocational Education and Training in our country.
The NTA contributes to the establishment of an effective and sustainable system of skills formation aligned with the needs of the labour market and which provides the skills required for accelerated development. In this system, competencies are developed that are needed for productive work and increased standards of living. Moreover, the NTA promotes access, equity and quality in Vocational Education and Training.
Through this website, the Namibia Training Authority provides you with information that keeps you up-to-date with its activities and the latest developments in our country’s Vocational Education and Training sector.
- VET Educator Policy - Second Draft
- Policy for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Within the Vocational Education and Training (VET) System
- Guidelines for Implementing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) within the VET Sector
- Vocational Education and Training Act, Act 1 of 2008
- Government Notice 300 Regulations for the Registration of Vocational Education and Training Providers
- Government Notices No.5 & No. 6 - Regulations Relating to Use of VET Levies for Funding Vocational Education and Training Programmes and Projects and for Providing Technical and Financial Assistance & Imposition of VET Levy on Employers.
- Assessor Application Form
- 2015 Skills Expo Exhibitors Registration Form Pack
- Employer Levy Registration Form
- Trade Test for Private Candidates Application Form
- Monthly VET Levy Submission Form
- Application for Registration or Re-registration:Extension of Registration as a Training Provider (Regulations 3(1), 11(1) and 12. Annexure 1A
- Training Provider Self Evaluation and NTA Evaluation of Application of Training Provider.Annexure 1B
- Application for Preliminary Registration as Training Provider (Regulation 3(1)(b)) Annexure 1C
- Application for Expansion in Programme Offering or Amendment of Conditions of Registration (Regulation 13) Annexure 2
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Gary Watkins
Gary Watkins
Managing Director
C: +27 (0)82 416 7712
T: +27 (0)10 035 4185 (Office)
F: +27 (0)86 689 7862
Website: www.workinfo.comRelated items
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